Dept/ Agency: Engineering
Action: (X ) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Application/Acceptance of Grant Funds
Purpose: FY2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All
Entity Name: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Entity Address: 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, HSSA-1, Mail Drop E71-117, Washington, DC 20590
Grant Amount: $800,000.00
Total Project Cost: $1,000,000.00
City Contribution: $200,000.00
Other Funding Source/Amount: $0.00
Grant Period: Upon contract execution through July 30, 2029
Contract Basis: ( ) Bid ( ) State Vendor ( ) Prof. Ser. ( ) EUS
( ) Fair & Open ( ) No Reportable Contributions ( ) RFP ( ) RFQ
( ) Private Sale ( X ) Grant ( ) Sub-recipient ( ) n/a
List of Property: (if applicable)
Additional Information:
This is a grant application that will aid in the implementation of pedestrian and motorist improvements throughout the City of Newark, as part of the Newark Safe Routes for All Corridors project.
WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides grant funding through the Safe Streets and Roads for All program to support planning, infrastructure, and behavioral and operational initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets involving all roadway users; and
WHEREAS, on March 30, 2023, the FHWA invited the City of Newark to submit proposals for the FY2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program (SS4A); and
WHEREAS, on July 7, 2023, on behalf of the City of Newark, the Acting Director of the Department of Engineering submitted an application to the FHWA requesting grant funding in the amount of Twenty-Five Million Dollars and Zero Cents ($25,000,000.00) from the FY2023 SS4A grant program for the Newark Safe Routes for All Corridors project (attached hereto and made a part hereof); and
WHEREAS, as a result of this application, the City of Newark has been awarded a grant in the amount of Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($800,000.00) from the FHWA for the Newark Safe Routes for All Corridors project, for the period commencing upon grant execution and terminating on July 30, 2029; and
WHEREAS, the City must execute a grant agreement with the FHWA in order to obtain the grant award with Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($200,000.00) in Matching Funds required; and
1. The Mayor and/or his designee, the Acting Director of the Department of Engineering, are hereby authorized to submit an application to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requesting grant funding in the amount of Twenty-Five Million Dollars and Zero Cents ($25,000,000.00) from the FY2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program for the Newark Safe Routes for All Corridors project that will aid in the implementation of pedestrian and motorist improvements throughout the City of Newark (a copy of the application is attached hereto and made a part hereof).
2. The Municipal Council hereby ratifies its authorization of this application from the date of submission to the date of adoption of this authorizing resolution.
3. The FY2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant award in the amount of Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($800,000.00) is hereby accepted (a copy of the award letter is attached hereto and made a part hereof).
4. The Mayor and/or his designee, the Acting Director of the Department of Engineering, are hereby authorized to enter into and execute grant documents with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to receive and expend the grant award in the amount of Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($800,000.00) for the FY2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All program for the City of Newark, for the period commencing upon grant execution and terminating on July 30, 2029, with Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($200,000.00) in Matching Funds required.
5. Upon receipt of the grant agreement, the Acting Director of the Department of Engineering shall submit a complete copy of the agreement and any associated documents to both the Corporation Counsel and the Business Administrator for review, approval, and signature.
6. Matching funds in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($200,000.00) shall be provided from the Municipal Budget.
7. The Acting Director of the Department of Engineering shall file a fully-executed copy of the grant award letter, the final authorization letter, and the grant/project agreement in the Office of the City Clerk.
This Resolution ratifies and authorizes the actions taken by the City of Newark, Department of Engineering, to submit an application for FY2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant funding from the Federal Highway Administration for the Newark Safe Routes for All Corridors project that will aid in the implementation of pedestrian and motorist improvements throughout the City of Newark, and furthermore, ratifies and authorizes the Mayor and/or his designee, the Acting Director of the Department of Engineering, to enter into and execute an agreement with and accept the FY2023 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant in the amount of $800,000.00 from the Federal Highway Administration for the Newark Safe Routes for All Corridors project that will aid in the implementation of pedestrian and motorist improvements throughout the City of Newark, for the period commencing upon contract execution and terminating on July 30, 2029. Matching grant funds in the amount of $200,000.00 shall be provided from the municipal budget.