Dept/ Agency: Water and Sewer Utilities
Action: ( ) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Change Order/Amend Resolution # Resolution 7R12-c(as) adopted on November 2, 2022
Purpose: To enter into and execute Change Order #3 CSO Solids/Floatables Control Measures Netting Facilities at Peddie Ditch, Site 025 Contract #07-WS2016.
Entity Name: Coppola Services, Inc.
Entity Address: 28 Executive Parkway, Ringwood, New Jersey 07456
Contract Amount: Not to exceed $3,359,863.88
Funding Source: Capital Budget/Department of Water and Sewer Utilities/Business Unit: NW044, Dept. 17C, Div./Proj. 17C01, Account #94710, Budget Ref. B2017
Contract Period: 739 calendar days to final completion from the date of the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed
Contract Basis: ( X ) Bid ( ) State Vendor ( ) Prof. Ser. ( ) EUS
( X ) Fair & Open ( ) No Reportable Contributions ( ) RFP ( ) RFQ
( ) Private Sale ( ) Grant ( ) Sub-recipient ( ) n/a
Additional Information:
Resolution 7R12-c(AS) adopted on November 2, 2022, awarded a contract in an amount not to exceed $3,169,890.00, for a period of 180 calendar days from the date of the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed.
Resolution 7R12-a, adopted on November 1, 2023, authorized Change Order #1, which increased the contract amount by $14,840.22 for a new total contract amount not to exceed $3,184,730.22, with no extension on final completion from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
Resolution 7R12-a, adopted on May 22, 2024, authorized Change Order #2, which increased the contract amount by $53,781.24 for a new total contract amount not to exceed $3,238,511.46, extended the contract period by 222 calendar days for a new completion Period of 402 Calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed to final completion.
Change Order #3 will increase the contract amount by $121,352.42 for a new total contract amount not to exceed $3,359,863.88, and increase the contract period by 337 calendar days for a new contract period of 739 calendar days to final completion from the date of the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed.
WHEREAS, Resolution 7R12-c(as) adopted on November 2, 2022, authorized the Director of the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities to enter into Contract 07-WS2016, CSO Solids/Floatables Control Measures Netting Facilities at Peddie Ditch, Site 025 (“Contract 07-WS2016”) with Coppola Services, Inc., 28 Executive Parkway, Ringwood, New Jersey 07456, in the amount of $3,169,890.00 for a period of (180) calendar days to final completion from the date of the written Notice to Proceed; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 7R12-a adopted on November 1, 2023, authorized Change Order #1 to Contract 07-WS2016 with Coppola Services, Inc., for an increased amount of $14,840.22 for a new total contract amount not to exceed $3,184,730.22 and no extension on final completion from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 7R12-a adopted on May 22, 2024, authorized Change Order #2 to Contract 07-WS2016 with Coppola Services, Inc., for an increased amount of $53,781.24 for a new total contract amount not to exceed $3,238,511.46 with an addition 222 Calendar days for a new completion period of 402 calendar days to final completion from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed; and
WHEREAS, during the ongoing work, it has been observed that the current chain link fence along the western edge of the site, including the area surrounding the existing chamber, has sustained significant damage. Part of this damage is due to a large tree that has grown into the fence at the northwest corner of the site. To enhance the security of the site and the existing chamber, there was a need to remove this tree and replace the damaged fence; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to NJAC 5:30-11 et seq. Contract 07-WS2016, is to be amended with an increase net amount of One Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Two Dollars and Forty-Two Cents ($121,352.42) to cover the required tree removal and fence replacement and an additional (337) calendar days for a new contract period of 739 to final completion from the date of the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities wishes to enter into and execute a Contract Change Order #3 to Contract 07-WS2016, with Coppola Services, Inc., with an increase in the contract amount by One Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Two Dollars and Forty-Two Cents ($121,352.42) for a new contract amount of Three Million Three Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three Dollars and Eighty Eight Cents ($3,359,863.88) and an additional (337) additional calendar days for a new contract period of 739 calendar days to final completion from the date of the issuance of a written Notice to Proceed.
1. The Mayor of the City of Newark and/or his designee, the Director of the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities, is authorized to enter into and execute Contract Change Order #3 to Contract 07-WS2016, CSO Solids/Floatables Control Measures Netting Facilities at Peddie Ditch, Site 025, with Coppola Services, Inc., 28 Executive Parkway, Ringwood, New Jersey 07456, by increasing the contract amount by One Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Two Dollars and Forty-Two Cents ($121,352.42) bringing the contract amount to Three Million Three Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three Dollars and Eighty Eight Cents ($3,359,863.88) and extending the contract completion time by (337) calendar days to final completion from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed for a new contract period of 739 Calendar days to final completion from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
2. Attached hereto is a Certification of Funds from the Chief Financial Officer, which states that funds in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Two Dollars and Forty-Two Cents ($121,352.42) are available in the Water and Sewer Utilities Capital Budget under Business Unit NW044, Department ID 17C, Division/Project 17C01, Account # 94710, Budget Ref. B2017 and which shall be filed along with the original Resolution in the Office of the City Clerk.
3. A fully executed copy of the Change Order #3 shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk by the Director of the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities.
4. A fully executed copy of the Change Order #3 shall be filed with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) by the Director of the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities.
5. If required by State Law, the Acting City Clerk shall provide the appropriate notice of the award of this contract to the State Comptroller, no later than twenty (20) business days following such award, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:15C-10 and the Notice of the Office of the State Comptroller dated May 7, 2008.
This Resolution authorizes the Mayor of the City of Newark and/or his designee, the Director of the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities, to enter into and execute Contract Change Order #3 to Contract 07-WS2016, CSO Solids/Floatables Control Measures Netting Facilities at Peddie Ditch, Site 025 with Coppola Services, Inc., 28 Executive Parkway, Ringwood, New Jersey 07456, increasing the contract amount by $121,352.42 for a total contract amount of $3,359,863.88, with an additional (337) additional calendar days for a new contract period of 739 Calendar days to final completion from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.