Dept/ Agency: Economic and Housing Development
Action: ( X ) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Professional Services Contract
Purpose: To provide On-Call Environmental Consulting/Management Services
Entity Name: Matrix New World Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC
Entity Address: 26 Columbia Turnpike, 2nd Floor, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
Contract Amount: Not to exceed $85,000.00
Funding Source: 2024 Budget/Department of Economic and Housing Development/NW026, Account #32100, B2024
Contract Period: January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025
Contract Basis: ( ) Bid ( ) State Vendor (X) Prof. Ser. ( ) EUS
( ) Fair & Open ( ) No Reportable Contributions (X) RFP ( ) RFQ
( ) Private Sale ( ) Grant ( ) Sub-recipient ( ) n/a
Additional Information:
WHEREAS, the City of Newark, Department of Economic and Housing Development (the “City”) advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP) for On-call Environmental Consulting/Management Services on October 17, 2024, with a due date of October 31, 2024, in accordance with the requirements of the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. (the “LPCL”); and
WHEREAS, the City received a total of six (6) proposals in response to its request by the RFQ due date on October 31, 2024; and
WHEREAS, through a measured evaluation of all proposals submitted in responses to the RFP, the Department of Economic and Housing Development determined that Matrix New World Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC was the most qualified for the services requested; and
WHEREAS, the Matrix New World Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC proposal demonstrated their range of engineering knowledge and skills in addition to their extensive experience in brownfield assessment and remediation, expertise in fundraising and grant management, and Matrix New World Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC was determined to be the respondent most able to meet the City’s needs; and
WHEREAS, Environmental Consulting/Management Services are professional services exempt from the public bidding requirements in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(a)(i); and
WHEREAS, the LPCL requires that notice of the award of contracts for “Professional Services” without competitive bidding must be published in a local newspaper; and
WHEREAS, the City wishes to enter into a professional service contract in an amount not to exceed Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($85,000.00) with Matrix New World Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC for On-call Environmental Consulting/Management Services; and
WHEREAS, the contract is for an amount over $17,500.00 and is being awarded as a Fair and Open Contract pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5; and
WHEREAS, the Municipal Council adopted the Contractor Pay-to-Play Reform Ordinance, R.O. 2:4-22C, which forbids the award of a contract to a business Entity, as defined therein, which has made or solicited political contributions to Newark Municipal candidates, office holders having ultimate responsibility for the award of a contract; candidate committees of the aforementioned candidates; and political or political party committees of the City of Newark or County of Essex; and continuing political committees or political action committees regularly engaged in the support of the city of Newark Municipal or County of Essex elections; and certain other political part or candidate committees, in excess of certain thresholds.
1. The Mayor and/or his designee, the Deputy Mayor/Director of the Department of Economic and Housing Development, are hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the City of Newark, to enter into and execute an Agreement with Matrix New World Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC, 26 Columbia Turnpike, 2nd Floor, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932, to provide on-call environmental consulting/management services for the period of January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.
2. The Contract between the City of Newark and Matrix New World Engineering, Land Surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC, is hereby ratified from January 1, 2025 to the date of adoption of this authorizing resolution.
3. The contract shall be for an amount not to exceed Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($85,000.00), which represents the amount remaining on the existing appropriation for such services, as well as those eligible activities funded from the Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the United States Environmental Protection Agency and/or other third-party funds.
4. This contract is being awarded pursuant to the Fair and Open Procedures of the State Pay-to-Play Law (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5) and pursuant to the provisions of the Local Public Contacts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(a)(i)); and is in compliance with the City’s Contractor Pay-to-Play Reform Ordinance, R.O. 2:4-22C.
5. Attached hereto is a Certification of Funds from the Director of Finance, which states: 1) that there are sufficient funds in the amount of $85,000.00 for the purpose set forth herein above; and 2) that the line appropriation which shall be charged is as follows:
Bus. Unit Acct. # Budget Ref.
NW026 32100 B2024
6. A fully executed copy of this contract shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk by the Deputy Mayor/Director of the Department of Economic and Housing Development.
7. There shall be no advance payments against this contract pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-16.
8. There shall be no amendments or changes to this contract without the approval of the Municipal Council.
9. A notice of this action shall be published in the newspaper authorized by law to publish a legal advertisement and as required by law within ten (10) days of the adoption of this resolution.
This resolution ratifies and authorizes the Mayor and/or his designee, the Deputy Mayor/Director of the Department of Economic and Housing Development to enter into and execute a contract with 26 Columbia Turnpike, 2nd Floor, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932, to provide on-call environmental consulting/management services in an amount not to exceed Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($85,000.00) for the period of January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.