File #: 24-1694    Version: 1 Name: CLEARVIEW
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 12/9/2024 In control: Public Safety
On agenda: 2/19/2025 Final action: 2/19/2025
Title: Dept/ Agency: Public Safety/Division of Police Action: (X) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending Type of Service: Exception to Public Bidding - N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(dd) Purpose: To provide support and maintenance of proprietary software and hardware. Entity Name: Clearview Data Systems, Inc. Entity Address: 728 N. Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, South Carolina 29607-1623 Contract Amount: Not to exceed $121,654.58 Funding Source: 2024 Budget/Department of Public Safety, Division of Police/Business Unit NW011; Dept. 190; Div./Proj. 1902; Account #72220; Budget Ref. B2025 Contract Period: April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2026 Contract Basis: ( ) Bid ( ) State Vendor () Prof. Ser. ( ) EUS ( ) Fair & Open (X) No Reportable Contributions ( ) RFP ( ) RFQ ( ) Private Sale ( ) Grant ( ) Sub-recipient (X) N/A Exception to Public Bidding Additional Information:
Sponsors: Council of the Whole


Dept/ Agency: Public Safety/Division of Police

Action:  (X) Ratifying     (X) Authorizing     (   ) Amending

Type of Service:  Exception to Public Bidding - N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(dd)   

Purpose: To provide support and maintenance of proprietary software and hardware.

Entity Name: Clearview Data Systems, Inc.

Entity Address:  728 N. Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, South Carolina 29607-1623

Contract Amount:  Not to exceed $121,654.58

Funding Source: 2024 Budget/Department of Public Safety, Division of Police/Business Unit NW011; Dept. 190; Div./Proj. 1902; Account #72220; Budget Ref. B2025            

Contract Period:  April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2026

Contract Basis: (   ) Bid   (   ) State Vendor   () Prof.  Ser.   (   ) EUS  

(   ) Fair & Open   (X) No Reportable Contributions   (   ) RFP   (   ) RFQ

(   ) Private Sale   (   ) Grant   (   ) Sub-recipient   (X) N/A Exception to Public Bidding

Additional Information:



WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety, Division of Police, is committed to providing an efficient and effective means to process prisoners, confirm, their identities and conduct investigations; and


                            WHEREAS, the Director of the Department of Public Safety desires to enter into a contract with Clearview Data Systems, Inc. (hereinafter “Clearview”), whose address is 728 N. Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, South Carolina 29607-1623, to provide maintenance services and upgrades of the PHOTOMANAGERTM, Network System, Custom Interface Software, HIDTA, Enforsys and Livescan Software programs, which are proprietary software programs, in order to maintain the software’s overall operational health, for an amount not to exceed Sixty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Ten Dollars and Seventy-Nine Cents for the period of April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025 and an optional contract renewal of Fifty-Nine Thousand One Hundred Forty Three Dollars and Seventy Nine Cents ($59,134.79) for the period of April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026, for a total contract amount not to exceed One Hundred Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Four Dollars and Fifty Eight Cents ($121,654.58); and


                              WHEREAS, this maintenance agreement is essential for the Police Division to continue to process prisoners, and to search and confirm their identities; and


                             WHEREAS, Clearview is an authorized dealer for Data Works Plus, Inc. (hereinafter “DWP”); and


WHEREAS, DWP owns the rights to an automatic Photo Manager Identifications System consisting of hardware and software components and is engaged in the business of providing various maintenance services on said hardware and software; and


                     WHEREAS, Clearview has represented that they are qualified by their training and experience to provide the required services and that they have the exclusive right to make and sell these services, which the Director of the Department of Public Safety certifies is essential and necessary for the conduct of its affairs N.J.S.A. 40A:11-2(39); and


                     WHEREAS, pursuant to Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(dd), such a contract for proprietary computer system may be awarded as the provision or performance of goods or services is for the support and/or maintenance of proprietary computer hardware and/or software; and


                     WHEREAS, the Director the Department of Public Safety has determined and certified in writing and the Municipal Council concurs that the value of this contract will exceed $17,500.00; and


                     WHEREAS, this contract is being awarded pursuant to a “Non-Fair and Open” Process pursuant to State Play-to-Play Law, N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 and is in compliance with Contractor Pay-to-Play Ordinance 2:4-22C.1; and


                     WHEREAS, Clearview has completed and submitted a Business Entity Disclosure Certification, which certifies that Clearview has not made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate committee in the City of Newark in the previous one (1) year, and this contract will prohibit Clearview from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract




1.                     The Mayor of the City of Newark, and/or his designee, the Director the Department of Public Safety,  is  authorized to enter into and execute a contract with Clearview Data System, Inc., of 728 N. Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, South Carolina 29607-1623 for the provision of maintenance services and upgrades of the PHOTOMANAGER Network system, Custom Interface Software, HIDTA, Enforsys and Livescan Software Programs, which are proprietary software programs, in order to maintain the software’s overall operational health, for an amount not to exceed Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Ten Dollars and Seventy-Nine Cents ($62,510.79), for the period of April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025, and an optional contract renewal amount of Fifty-Nine Thousand One Hundred Forty Three Dollars and Seventy-Nine Cents ($59,143.79) for the period of April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026, for a total contract amount not to exceed One Hundred Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Four Dollars and Fifty-Eight Cents.


2.                     This contract is ratified from April 1, 2024 to the date of adoption of this authorizing Resolution.


3.                     Attached is a partial Certification of Funds from the Municipal Comptroller, which states that there are available legally appropriated funds in the amount of Sixty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Ten Dollars and Seventy-Nine Cents ($62,510.79) for the purpose set forth herein.  Funds are provided for in the Department of Public Safety, Police Division, as follows: Business Unit NW011; Dept. 190; Div./Proj. 1902; Account #72220; Budget Ref B2025.


4.                     This contract is being awarded pursuant to the Non-Fair and Open Procedures of State Pay-to Play Law, N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5, and pursuant to the provisions of Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(1)(dd), and is in compliance with the Contractor Pay-to-Play Ordinance 2:4-22C.1.


5.                     The Business Entity Disclosure Certification and the Determination of Value are attached in support of this resolution and shall be placed on file with the Office of the City Clerk by the Director of the Department of Public Safety.


6.                     A duly executed copy of the contract shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk by the Director of the Department of Public Safety.


7.                     Notice of this action shall be published in the newspaper authorized to publish legal advertisements and as required by the law within ten (10) days of the date of adoption.




This Resolution ratifies and authorizes the Mayor of the City of Newark, and/or his designee, the Director of the Department of Public Safety, to enter into and execute a contract with Clearview Data  Systems, Inc., of 728 N. Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, South Carolina 29607-1623, for the provision of maintenance services and upgrades of the PHOTOMANAGERTM, Network System, Custom Interface Software, HIDTA, Enforsys and Livescan Software Programs, which are proprietary software programs, in order to maintain the software’s overall operational health, for an amount not to exceed $62,510.79 for the period of April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025, and an optional contract renewal amount of $59,143.79 for the period of April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026, for a total contract amount not to exceed $121,654.58 for the two years.