Dept/ Agency: Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Senior Services
Action: (X) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Accepting a Gift
Gift: To provide a stipend to cover transportation costs, meals, additional staffing and/or chaperones at the US Open 2022.
Purpose: To make participation in the Net Generation On-Court Demos during the US Open 2022 cost effective.
Entity Name: USTA Foundation
Entity Address: 10000 USTA Foundation Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32827
Gift Value: $1,500.00
City Contribution: $0.00
Other Funding Source/Amount: $0.00
Contract Period: Not Applicable
Additional Information:
The USTA Foundation would like to donate a stipend valued at $1,500.00 used to cover transportation costs, meals, additional staffing and/or chaperones at the US Open 2022. This is an incentive for participation in the Net Generation On-Court Demos during the US Open 2022.
WHEREAS, the USTA Foundation, 10000 USTA Foundation Boulevard, Orlando, Florida, 32827, would like to donate a stipend valued at One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents ($1,500.00) used to cover transportation costs, meals, additional staffing and/or chaperones at the United States Open 2022. This is an incentive for participation in the Net Generation On-Court Demos during the US Open 2022; and
WHEREAS, the USTA Foundation as part of this donation, will be used to cover transportation costs, meals, additional staffing and/or chaperones at the United States Open 2022 and the funds will be paid to the City of Newark Division of Recreation after the conclusion of the US Open, upon confirmation of attendance; and
WHEREAS, the Director of the Department of Recreation, Cultural Affairs & Senior Services ("Department") desires to accept the gift of the stipend; and
WHEREAS, the City of Newark desires to use the stipend to cover transportation costs, meals, additional st...
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