Dept/ Agency: Economic & Housing Development
Action: ( ) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Execute Access Agreement
Purpose: Authorizing Execution of Access Agreement with PPG Industries, Inc., in Connection with Remediation Required by PPG Pursuant to a Consent Decree at City-Owned Property in the Riverside Industrial Park Superfund Site
Location of Property: (Address/Block/Lot/Ward)
49-59 Riverside Avenue/Block 614/Lot 58/ North Ward
1718-1728 McCarter Highway R/Block 614/Lot 61/North Ward
1700-1712 McCarter Highway R/Block 614/Lot 63/North Ward
1702-1716 McCarter Highway R/Block 614/Lot 64/North Ward
1692-1700 McCarter Highway R/Block 614/Lot 66/North Ward
1682-1690 McCarter Highway R/Block 614/Lot 67/North Ward
1682-1696 McCarter Highway R/Block 614/Lot 68/North Ward
Additional Information:
WHEREAS, pursuant to a Consent Decree entered into by PPG Industries, Inc. ("PPG") in the matter, United States v. PPG Industries, Inc. (Civil Action No. 2:24-cv-04771) (D.N.J. Sept. 4, 2024) ("Consent Decree"), PPG is conducting a Remedial Design and Remedial Action ("RD/RA") at the Riverside Industrial Park Superfund Site (the "Site") with oversight by the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection ("NJDEP"); and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Consent Decree includes designing and implementing the Remedial Action for the Site, as more fully set forth in the Statement of Work ("SOW") attached as Appendix B to the Consent Decree; and
WHEREAS, Section VI of the Consent Decree requires PPG to use its best efforts to secure from the owner(s) of all Affected Property (as that term is defined in the Consent Decree), an agreement, enforceable by PPG and by EPA and NJDEP, requiring such owner to provide PPG, EPA, and NJDEP, and their respective representatives, contractors, and subcontractors with access at all reasonable times to such owner's prop...
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