Dept/ Agency: Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Senior Services
Action: ( X ) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Accepting a Gift
Gift: Daktronics H022104 Hockey Scoreboard
Purpose: To replace an existing scoreboard with a new hockey scoreboard
Entity Name: Hockey in New Jersey
Entity Address: 110 Jabez Street, Suite 260, New Jersey, 07105
Gift Value: $12,528.00
City Contribution: $ 0.00
Other Funding Source/Amount: $0.00
Contract Period: Not applicable
Additional Information:
Hockey in New Jersey would like to donate a brand new Daktronics H022104 hockey scoreboard to the City of Newark to enhance the hockey experience at the Ironbound Rink located at the Sharpe James/Kenneth A. Gibson Recreation Center, located at 226 Rome St., Newark, NJ 07105. The hockey scoreboard and rental of a scissor lift have a value of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-Eight Dollars and Zero Cents ($12,528.00)
WHEREAS, Hockey in New Jersey, 110 Jabez Street, Suite 260, Newark, New Jersey 07105 ("HNJ") would like to donate a brand new Daktronics H022104 hockey scoreboard to the City of Newark ("City") to enhance the hockey experience at the Ironbound Rink located in the Sharpe James/Kenneth A. Gibson Recreation Center at 226 Rome Street in Newark, NJ; and
WHEREAS, said Scoreboard together with the ancillary rental of a scissor lift, have a total value of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-Eight Dollars and Zero Cents ($12,528.00); and
WHEREAS, the Director of the Department of Recreation, Cultural Affairs & Senior Services desires to accept the gift of the brand new Scoreboard and scissor lift rental and acknowledge the donation; and
WHEREAS, HNJ fully understands and agrees that it is not entitled to receive any direct or indirect benefit from the City, Mayor Ras J. Baraka, or any other City official or employee in exchange for the gift; and
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:...
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