Deferred 6PSF-e 010621
WHEREAS, the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq., (the "LHRL") authorizes municipalities to determine whether certain land in the municipality constitutes an area in need of redevelopment; and
WHEREAS, the Newark Municipal Council adopted Resolution 7R2-j(AS) on February 19, 2020, designating the Newark Housing Authority (the "NHA") as the Redevelopment Entity for certain properties located at 741-811 Frelinghuysen Avenue (Block 3746, Lot 1), 210-236 Dayton Street (Block 3746, Lot 10 and Block 3752, Lot 25), 1-37 Ludlow Street (Block 3764, Lot 1.01), 39-83 Ludlow Street (Block 3764, Lot 1.02), 85-99 Ludlow Street (Block 3764, Lot 1.03), and 101-121 Ludlow Street (Block 3764, Lot 1.04) in the South Ward, referred to as the "Dayton Street Redevelopment Area"; and
WHEREAS, on April 21, 2020, in accordance with the LRHL, the Newark Municipal Council ("Municipal Council") adopted Resolution 7R2-b authorizing and directing the Newark Central Planning Board (the "Central Planning Board") to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the following properties ("Proposed Plan Area") in the South Ward of the City of Newark (the "City") constitute an area in need of redevelopment in accordance with the criteria set forth in the N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5 of the LHRL and whether said determination shall authorize the municipality to use all those powers provided by the legislature for use in a redevelopment area other than the use of eminent domain ("Non-Condemnation Area"); and:
1. 741-811 Frelinghuysen Avenue, Block 3746, Lot 1
2. 210-236 Dayton Street, Block 3746, Lot 10 and Block 3752, Lot 25
3. 1-37 Ludlow Street, Block 3764, Lot 1.01
4. 39-83 Ludlow Street, Block 3764, Lot 1.02
5. 85-99 Ludlow Street, Block 3764, Lot 1.03
6. 101-121 Ludlow Street, Block 3764, Lot 1.04; an...
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