Dept/ Agency: Offices of Municipal Council/City Clerk
Action: ( ) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Council Rules
Purpose: Amending Council Rule XIII, to change order of business for Hearing of Citizens session during regular Municipal Council Meetings.
Additional Information:
WHEREAS, the Municipal Council of the City of Newark, New Jersey, established rules of procedure governing its meetings; and
WHEREAS, the Municipal Council wishes to make further changes to the rules of procedure.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, THAT the following rules of procedure shall govern the conduct of meetings of the Municipal Council of the City of Newark, New Jersey:
All pre-meetings, regular meetings, conference meetings and special
meetings of the Municipal Council shall be open to the public. At the hour set for
each meeting, the Members of the Municipal Council and the City Clerk shall
take their regular stations in the Council Chamber or the location called for in the
New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act announcement for a particular meeting.
At the first regular meeting of the month, the business of the Municipal Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order:
1. Call to Order: National anthem
2. Invocation
3. New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act Declaration
4. Roll Call
5. Reports and recommendations
6. Ordinances
7. Resolutions and motions
8. Communications
9. Pending business on the agenda
10. Miscellaneous
11. Hearing of Citizens
12. Adjournment
At the second regular meeting of the month, the business of the Municipal Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order:
1. Call to Order: National anthem and Invocation
2. New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act Declaration
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