Dept/ Agency: Water and Sewer Utilities
Action: ( ) Ratifying (X) Authorizing ( ) Amending
Type of Service: Bid Contract
Purpose: To provide crane maintenance and repair at the City's Facilities - Contract # 10R-WS2018 (Re-bid).
Entity Name: Permadur Industries, Inc. d/b/a Sissco Material Handling
Entity Address: 186 Route 206 South, Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844
Contract Amount: Not to exceed $100,000.00
Funding Source: 2018 Budget/Department of Water and Sewer Utilities
Contract Period: Two (2) years from the date of the Notice to Proceed
Contract Basis: (X) Bid ( ) State Vendor ( ) Prof. Ser. ( ) EUS
(X) Fair & Open ( ) No Reportable Contributions ( ) RFP ( ) RFQ
( ) Private Sale ( ) Grant ( ) Sub-recipient ( ) n/a
Additional Information:
Initial Bid: No Bids Received
2nd Re-Bid: No Bids Received
3rd Re-Bid: Solicited: One (1)
Bids Received: One (1)
WHEREAS, the City of Newark, Department of Water and Sewer Utilities ("City" or Department"), is in need of a contractor to provide crane maintenance and repair services; and
WHEREAS, on April 25, 2018, pursuant to the public bidding process of Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq., the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities advertised, in a general circulation paper, for the receipt of sealed bids for Crane Maintenance and Repair Services; and
WHEREAS, on May 17, 2018, the Department had an initial bid opening and no contractors responded. As such, the Department decided to revise the specifications and re-advertise; and
WHEREAS, on July 30, 2018, again pursuant to the public bidding process of Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq., the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities advertised, in a general circulation paper, for the receipt of sealed bids for Crane Maintenance and Repair Services; and
WHEREAS, on August 16, 2018, the ...
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